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How to Contribute to a Positive Work Environment

Multiple studies have shown that a positive work environment promotes growth, productivity, collaboration, goal attainment, and employee well-being. And while no work environment is perfect, there are steps you can take daily to promote a positive workspace for you and your team.

Here are some simple ways to help foster a positive workplace environment:

Conduct regular check-ins: 39% of American workers say that regular check-ins are the number one thing that makes them feel happy at the office, according to an Ernst & Young survey. Regular check-ins with your team are important. They make your team feel acknowledged. It gives your team a chance to give input and express new ideas that they have. It also makes them feel included. Check-ins promote collaboration and teamwork. There are new things happening every day and if there are any issues within your team, check-ins help to troubleshoot those issues proactively so that you can maintain a positive environment.

Give positive reinforcement: Focus less on what people are doing wrong and more on what they’re doing right. Giving positive reinforcement to your team, such as recognizing hard work and all that they are doing well, increases their motivation and productivity. By rewarding and praising your team every time they do an exceptional job, you’ll be able to encourage them to always strive to be the best they can. This simple approach of proper praise can help motivate your employees to always aim to produce their greatest results.

Have a good attitude: As a leader, you have the ability to set the tone for your team. If you spread positivity around the workplace, it’s sure to be both noticed by and contagious to your team. A simple smile and hello each morning to acknowledge your team goes a long way and sets an uplifting tone for the day.

Don’t be afraid to personalize your approach and try new things to determine what methods work best for you. Ultimately, the goal is to inspire your team with positivity so that they can aspire to be at their best each day, and eventually pay the positivity forward when they transition into future leadership roles of their own.