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The Power of ‘Thank You!’

When was the last time you took a moment to thank the hardworking administrative members of your organization for keeping you organized, helping you manage your time, managing the day-to-day details, and everything else that they do?

And better yet, why does it matter?

Beyond the simple fact that it’s a nice gesture—and that they really, truly do a lot for you—why is it so important that we take the time to say “thanks”? And why does it matter that we do it often, rather than on a single, designated day of the year?

Thanking your stellar administrative employees shows them that you care, that you value their contributions, and that you don’t take them for granted.

All too often, growing businesses will bring on new talent, giving them ambiguous titles and poorly defined roles. As the organization continues to grow, so do the responsibilities of the initially entry level employee, many times expanding into new and demanding territories. The new hire who, first, was expected to play a simple administrative role, suddenly finds themselves taking on the tasks of receptionist, office manager, personnel liaison, event planner, social media coordinator, and more.

And while new opportunity is important for career growth and employee engagement, it is not uncommon for businesses to overlook the sudden disconnect between the colossal expansion of job responsibilities and the never-changing salary. While expressions of gratitude should never be used as a standalone substitute for appropriate earnings, such acknowledgements can truly go a long way when navigating the interim and closing the gap between periods where there are trailing increases in pay and an exponential increase in expectation and accountability.

Regardless of to whom they report, an admin’s job affects the entire office. His or her magic touch is all over, whether you realize it or not. So, when you see them doing extraneous tasks for the sake of the business, or you discover that they were responsible for organizing those awesome, last-minute travel arrangements you requested, be sure to acknowledge their incredible willingness to flex their talents in every direction with a big ‘thank you!’

And for an even greater gesture, consider presenting your one-of-a-kind administrative superhero with a high-quality, personalized recognition award by Lane Award!

Click here to get started.