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Why ‘Years of Service’ Recognition Still Matters

The Years of Service award is something that is of extraordinary value, yet is oftentimes overlooked by many of today’s employers. Once an extremely prestigious accolade, some companies are now questioning the significance of giving this award out to their loyal employees. However, the business impact of recognizing employees for their long-term dedication is just as important today as ever before, and perhaps even more so.

The sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with receiving corporate awards will never fade. Awards are designed to recognize an individual’s hard work, and when they have continued to contribute their talents over a long period of time, recognizing the individual’s immense value can be one of the most important components to maintaining a healthy organization. Celebrating your seasoned workforce members not only demonstrates to your employee that they haven’t gone unnoticed or unappreciated, but it also showcases the fact that your company genuinely values the individual contributions and long-term dedication of each employee. This, in turn, will boost morale, and engender in others the desire to achieve the same landmark in their career as well.

In the past, it was common for individuals to stay at the same business for the majority, if not the entirety, of their career. However, in today’s climate, the sentiment has largely shifted, and the value of a long-term commitment to a single organization has become diminished in the eyes of many employees. In times like these, Years of Service recognition can truly make a big statement. When career longevity and company loyalty seem to many a thing of the past, it is vital for employers to emphatically express and demonstrate the importance of workforce retention by honoring those who have achieved the noteworthy feat.

The business landscape is changing more frequently and drastically than ever before. With so much career diversity and so many options and new industries to choose from, the value of establishing oneself within a single company may not be as readily apparent to some, especially those who compromise the younger generations. Honoring those who continue to show long-term loyalty is an excellent way to keep this valuable tradition alive and well in your company, and to help your business continue to soar to greater heights.

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