It’s the time of year when people are thinking about resolutions for the New Year. As individuals, many may turn to better fitness, more family time, or other personal goals.
What sorts of resolutions can we make in our work lives to make 2018 our best year yet?
Here are five ideas to get you started:
1. Write it down.
It has been shown that people remember more when they write it down. Goals are also easier to track when you have a physical copy to look at for inspiration. Plus, it’s exciting to cross them off and write down newer, bigger goals, once you’ve achieved those you’ve already got in writing. Write, achieve, repeat.
2. Start with questions.
Be specific in your answers.
· How can I grow this year? How do I want my business to grow?
· What can I bring to my work that is unique? What can I give?
· At the end of 2018, what do I want to be celebrating? (With this question, remind yourself what you should celebrate from 2017.)
3. Take time just for you.
Start with 1% of your day, which is just over 14 minutes. Use this time to plan your day and put yourself in control of you. Again, ask yourself questions:
· What would be my perfect day?
· What two things can I do today that will get me closer to that perfect day?
4. Be stubborn about your vision and flexible in your methods.
Do not give up your dreams and goals, but keep in mind that flexibility means more than doing yoga. Life can bring surprises. Flexibility allows us to pivot and stay focused on what matters.
5. Resolve to check in halfway through the year. (Bonus: check in quarterly.)
Set yourself a reminder now. Twelve months can feel like a long time. A lot can happen in six – or even three – months, so don’t wait until next year to think about your goals. Many businesses re-assess quarterly. As individuals, we can do the same.
So… what are your goals for 2018? What are you celebrating from 2017?
Whatever your goals, your friends at Lane Award wish you and yours all the best in the New Year!